federal office

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  1. A federal government office recently said that major heart surgery was often per-formed even though its chances of success were low.
  2. The chairman of the Federal Government is the Federal Chancellor, who is appointed by the president and voted into office by the majority of the Nationalrat, the National Council of Austria.
  3. John Berry is director of the federal Office of Personnel Management which supervises federal retirement and health plans.
  4. Last week the federal Office for Human Research Protections ( OHRP) ruled that Hopkins's system for protecting human subjects is so flawed that virtually all its U.S.-supported research had to stop.
  5. The large federal agencies, such as the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ( both of which fined the banks for forex abuses) hand money from penalties over to the Treasury.
  6. Settlement discussions, which began this year with many regulators including the Federal Reserve, the Justice Department and the Manhattan's District Attorney's Office, are still at early stages and continuing, said people familiar with the matter.
  7. A well-known federal judge, Richard Posner, an outspoken critic of America's patent system, has even suggested that the country's Patent and Trademark Office be given the job of hearing patent disputes-and sufficient resources to handle a wider remit.
  8. This question, first raised in the Federal Convention, gained fresh meaning in light of Franklin Roosevelt's election to the office four times.
  9. This means Mr. Bush also is likely to win Senate confirmation of his candidates for federal office.
  10. Hard money describes donations by individuals and groups made directly to political candidates running for federal office.
  11. In some Federal Trade Commission investigations, for example, the commission can issue subpoenas for documents or testimony, or it can demand to inspect records in the office where they are kept, or it can require companies to fill out special "report orders";
  12. "Soft money" contributions, by law, may not be used to support directly a candidate for federal office.
  13. Each year on the third Monday of January schools, federal offices, post office and banks across America
  14. All activities of the Federal Energy Administration and the energy research and development administration were distributed among appropriate assistant secretaries, administrators, and the director of the office of energy research.
  15. In accordance with the new constitution, the president is the head of state of the Federal Republic of yugoslavia, will be directly elected by the public for a four-year term, and can hold two terms of office.
  16. The CFTC thanks the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York for their assistance.
  17. Government computer News reported in December on the popularity of teleworking among federal employees that publication told about a study by the United States Office of personnel management.
  18. Federal judges hold their office for life, subject to impeachment by Congress.
  19. The former Federal Reserve chairman, who departed office last year after nearly two decades as head of America's central bank, has managed to arrange a novel form of financial market crisis just as his memoirs are published.
  20. The federal government shortened the working day in1999, which meant slashing the standard three-hour lunch to about an hour so that people could leave the office earlier at night.
  21. Data for the map were obtained from Federal Statistical Office of Germany, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe and Robert Koch Institute.
  22. AIG secured a tiny savings and loan, which permitted it, in 1999, to choose the Federal Office of Thrift Supervision to regulate the holding company and its non-insurance operations, including the now-infamous financial products unit.
  23. Fearful of making a costly mistake, I decided to read up on procedures and standards on the federal Office of Personnel Management web page.
  24. Having supported the grinding effort of reducing the structural federal budget deficit during the Clinton administration, Greenspan gave fatal support for the huge tax cut proposed by Bush as soon as the new president came into office in 2001.
  25. Currently, Richard is working to bring Agile to the Federal government and is collaborating with the Office of Personnel Management ( OPM) on Agile programs.
  26. The bundeskartellamt, or German Federal Cartel Office, did not issue a formal ruling on Thursday, rather it stated its "intention to prohibit" the venture.
  27. The federal department that promotes and administers domestic and foreign trade ( including management of the census and the patent office); created in 1913.
  28. I saw several FBI ( Federal Bureau of Inverstigation) wanted posters in the post office.